Change to Bay Library opening hours – 13th and 14th October 2017

This Saturday (14th October), there will be an Open Day and a visit by Hillary Rodham Clinton to Bay Campus. In order to facilitate the large number of expected visitors and to maintain security, there will be some changes to parking, bus routes and building access at Bay Campus this weekend. This includes access to Bay Library, which will close at 5pm Friday and re-open by 9pm on Saturday. Please check library Twitter and Facebook accounts for further updates.

We apologise for any inconvenience this causes. Our other libraries remain open as usual, though please do remember the Open Day includes Singleton Park Campus, so the library and campus may be busy with visitors. If you are traveling to or from Bay Campus or Singleton Park Campus on Saturday, please check the Open Day travel information.

Welcome back returning students!

Welcome back to our returning students! We hope you enjoyed your summer break. There have been a few changes to Bay Library while you’ve been away:

In response to student feedback, we have brought together the library printers in a new Print Zone in the central area of the library. You can now go straight to the Print Zone for any printing, photocopying or scanning you need to do instead of searching the whole library for a printer that’s available.

8 more PCs have been installed in the library.

We have rearranged the library slightly to create 36 extra study spaces overlooking the study well in the central area of the library. We also have some new mobile tables to create a more flexible study space.

The Wellbeing Collection and our newspapers have moved to a new corner by the Group Pod. There is also some careers information in this area. The area is for quiet reading and relaxation.

The Book Swap has moved to the self-service café area. Please help yourself if you see something you’d like to read, but try to bring a book back to replace it!

We hope you like the changes. If you have any comments or feedback, please let us know. There is a suggestion box in the library, or our contact details are available on the library website.

RefME becoming Cite This For Me

We have important news for users of the popular free referencing tool RefMe. It has been announced today that RefMe will be changing to Cite This For Me on February 28th 2017. Full details on this news can be found on the RefMe website.

If you have a RefMe account you will still have access to your account and saved Reference lists until June 1st, 2017, but you will need to export them before this date or you will lose them.

If you want to create an account for Cite This For Me it will cost £6.99 a month but you are able to generate a reference list without creating an account. However without an account your reference list won’t be saved for future use.

There are a number of reference management tools on the market and Swansea University’s supported solution is EndNote. This comes in a free online version and the full desktop software, which is available on open access PCs in the library. As well as storing all your bibliographic references, EndNote can find and store PDFs plus it integrates neatly with Word to insert and format references. If you’d like to find out more about EndNote please look at our EndNote Library Guide.


Bay Watch – Your librarians have moved!

Banner for Bay Library

The School of Management library team have now moved in to the new Bay Campus Library and we’re busy ensuring that everything is ready for our grand opening on 1st September.

The shelves are in and the books will be arriving later this month.

Here’s a recent video showing the new shelving being put in to place:

Keep watching the blog and our social media for more updates, as we count down to the opening!

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Bay Watch! Books moving in August

If you’ve been over to the ISS News blog lately, you’ll see that we’ve got some more information about the book move to the Bay Library in August. There are more details on ISS News, but some important things to remember are:-

  • Levels 1 and 2 of the LIC at Singleton Park Campus will be closed after the 21st August so we can pack up the books
  • The LIC will remain open and you will be able to access Levels 3 and 4 as normal
  • If you need anything from Levels 1 or 2 while they’re closed, please ask at the Issue Desk. We’ll do our best to fetch them for you, but if an item as already been packed up and moved to the Bay, you will need to wait until after 1st September for it

So, if you know you’re going to need any books over the summer, it’s a good idea to borrow them now!

The Bay Library opens at 8am on the 1st September. We’re looking forward to seeing you there!


Interior of the new Bay Library. Books coming soon!

Have I got (business and economics) news for you?

As a student of business or economics it is essential that you keep up-to-date with the lastest news on your topic. We provide access to several resources that can help you with this.


NexisUK (Swansea University login required)

NexisUK is a database of international quality newspapers including the Times, Guardian, Independent, Le Monde, Die Zeit, Australasian Business Intelligence, International Herald Tribune, South China Morning Post, Moscow Times . It contains newspapers from the early 1990s to the present.

Why use it?

  • The user can cross-search several newspapers at once.
  • The databases provide full text articles free of change, no need to register.
  • The user can easily limit a search by journalist’s name, language, country or a single newspaper title.

The Financial Times, one of the world’s leading business news organisations, is recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy. It provides essential news, comment, data and analysis for the global business community.

Make sure that you get full access to articles, comments, alerts and tools available from the FT. Go to and register using your Swansea University email address.

The Economist

The Economist is a weekly magazine covering business, finance, economics, science, technology and the arts. Articles from The Economist can be found in the ProQuest Business Collection.

ProQuest Business Collection (Swansea University login required)

As well as containing articles from the Economist ProQuest Business Collection provides access to other news items. Search using your keywords then refine by ‘Source Type’ on the right hand side of the results page.

Get access to NexisUK and the ProQuest Business Collection via the business and management iFindResearch page.

NewsBank – Wales and UK newspapers online

Access Wales & UK Newspapers is provided by NewsBank and includes UK daily and Sunday newspapers, as well as regional and national papers around the UK.

Updated daily, NewsBank UK provides millions of current and archived newspaper articles that researchers can use to pinpoint sources, compare perspectives and track subjects historically and geographically. Users can quickly and easily search either a single Welsh newspaper or Welsh and UK titles simultaneously. Customised searches can be created and saved for future use or configured for email alerts.

You can access it by searching for NewsBank in the Voyager library catalogue or find out more from: