Finding Open Access resources for Economics (and more)

Our Swansea University library Document Supply office maintains an excellent Netvibes page which collects places to find open access (freely available) academic resources:

It has recently been updated to include RePEc “Research Papers in Economics”, a worldwide collaboration to disseminate research in Economics and related disciplines. Visit the website to read more about this project and its contents.

Open Access resources are particularly useful for any students or staff who are leaving the university this term and will no longer have access to an Athens account for paid subscriptions.

World Bank goes Open Access

Open Access logo

The World Bank has made all of its publications Open Access – except where there is a publisher involved when the publisher’s embargo period will be respected. They are also adopting a Creative Commons licence for everything in their Open Knowledge Repository. More information on their blog post (connected with a Liveblog on 21st May 2012) and original news announcement.

We recently discussed the benefits of Open Access publishing in our fully-booked “Getting Published” session for Swansea postgraduate researchers. Open Access news is frequently highlighed on our library “Research News” blog.